



03 Jan 23

Votes results:



The font used today was


This project started about three years ago in a Slack chat. As a digital agency with a strong focus on content ✍️, we were sharing unusual or interesting words with each other πŸ’₯ whether they struck us for how they sounded, what they meant, or sometimes simply for πŸ‘€ how they looked.

From there, we started
debating whether we loved
or hated them. πŸ‘ πŸ‘

We dedicated a full channel to each category, #BestWords and #WorstWords, and year after year, many projects and travels later, we ended up with hundreds of outstanding words in our hands. And now we figure it’s about time for us to share our treasure with the world!

You’ll get one word a day to vote as a #BestWord or #WorstWord. We hope it will kick off some debate, teach you new words and help you discover amazing new fonts. But, more importantly, we just hope you’ll have fun!